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January 2012 St@teside

Health Reform Resources

SCI keeps the Federal Reform Resources Web page ( up-to-date with the most recent information from the states, the federal government, and health policy organizations in an effort to guide our readers through the health reform implementation process. We know there are several places to go for the latest health reform resources, and we thank you for using SCI as one of your trusted sources. Here are some of the most recent resources that can be found on our Federal Reform page:

Insurance Market Reforms:

Creating a Usable Measure of Actuarial Value
This brief discusses how actuarial value will be employed under the health reform law, the definitional and measurement issues associated with its use, and how to craft a measure that is usable by consumers. The authors also identify key challenges and issues that regulators must address if actuarial value is to be used effectively under the ACA.

Risk Adjustment for Dual Eligibles: Breaking New Ground in Massachusetts

Massachusetts Medicaid Policy Institute
This report examines the critical need for risk adjustment in programs serving persons dually eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid and describes federal and state experience implementing risk adjustment models.

State Requests for the Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) Adjustment

This table is a one-stop resource that shows states' request for an adjustment to the MLR standard, a consumer protection provision under the ACA. In order to qualify for this adjustment, a state must demonstrate that requiring insurers in its individual market to meet the 80 percent MLR has a likelihood of destabilizing the individual market and result in fewer choices for consumers.

Insurance Exchanges:

State Progress toward Health Reform Implementation
Urban Institute
This issue brief examines whether there is a correlation between the progress that states have made toward establishing the health insurance exchanges called for under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and the expected benefits for state residents.

Building a Relationship between Medicaid, the Exchange and the Individual Insurance Market

National Academy of Social Insurance
This report offers states insight on how to coordinate Medicaid and health insurance exchange markets, and addresses key areas where states can focus their efforts to promote continuity of coverage.


Rhode Island Health Indicators
State Health Access and Data Assistance Center
This State Data Spotlight highlights how the Rhode Island Medicaid Research and Evaluation Project uses existing public health data, Medicaid administrative data and state-level survey data to actively inform program activities and evaluation.

Analysis of Basic Health Program
Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Maryland Medicaid Office of Planning, and Hilltop Institute
This paper gives an analysis of the Basic Health Program (BHP), an optional provision under the ACA, to help guide Maryland’s decision making process on whether or not to implement a BHP.

Strategic Planning and Timelines:

State of the Uninsured: Health Coverage in Washington State Costs, Trends and Projections 2008-2014
Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner
This report provides historical and projected rates of uninsurance, under-insurance, and uncompensated care in Washington State

Governors’ 2012 State of the State Speeches
This webpage houses the full text of governors’ state-of-the-state speeches.

The Concentration and Persistence in the Level of Health Expenditures over Time: Estimates for the U.S. Population, 2008-2009
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Using information from the Household Component of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS-HC) for 2008 and 2009, this report provides detailed estimates of the persistence in the level of health care expenditures over time.

Delivery System Redesign:

A Half Million Newly Insured: Is Colorado Ready?

Colorado Health Institute
This report analyzes Colorado's primary care workforce needs post-health care reform.

Ohio Initiative on Health Care Payment Reform
Office of Governor John Kasich
The press release from Ohio Governor John Kasich discusses the state’s new initiative to start to change Ohio's public and private health care business models from a volume based model to one based on value and performance.