High-Risk Pools

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Indiana HRP

Indiana’s high-risk pool, the Indiana Comprehensive Health Insurance Association became operational in 1982 and is financed by assessments on insurers.

Florida HRP

Florida’s high-risk pool, the Florida Comprehensive Health Association has been closed to new enrollment since 1991. There are approximately 400 recipient

Alaska HRP

In 1993, the legislature of the state of Alaska created the Alaska Comprehensive Health Insurance Association (ACHIA) to provide health insurance to high risk in

Alabama HRP

The Alabama Health Plan became operational in 1998 and as of June 2006, there were just over 3,


To understand the strategies that states undertake to expand coverage and initiate broader health reform, it is importa

[1]This overview provides a general description of state coverage levels under their Medicaid and SCHIP programs, including coverage through waivers, as of December 2008. Eligibility information was gathered from state web sites, data from state reports, and verified through contacts with CMS and state officials during the fall of 2008. This does not reflect the specific eligibility categories or requirements. This is not intended to be a substitute for eligibility information provided by each state. Individuals interested in applying for these programs should contact the state directly for specific eligibility requirements.
 [2]Medicaid eligibility based on children’s family income levels is listed by age group. For states with additional SCHIP eligibility for higher income levels, SCHIP income level eligibility information is presented separately.
 [3]Urban Institute and Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured estimates based on the Census Bureau’s March 2007 and 2008 Current Population Survey.
 [4]Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends. 2006 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component.

High-Risk Pools

A high-risk pool is, typically, a state-created, nonprofit association that offers comprehensive health insurance benefits to individuals with pre-existing health problems.

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