Delivery System Redesign
- 07/25/2011
This Milliman brief discusses the organizations that are most likely to create CO-OPs, the challenges to developing CO-OPs, and areas where CO-OPs can help improve quality and reduce costs.
- 07/25/2011
This paper describes and reports on the implementation of eight private ACOs that use, or are planning to deploy, a shared payer–provider risk payment model.
- 07/08/2011
This report, funded by a grant from the California HealthCare Foundation, makes recommendations for how California can measure the impact of health reform in three areas of health insurance coverage, affordability and comprehensiveness of coverage, and access to health care services.
- 06/28/2011
The Center for Health Care Strategies' has a new intiative, Using the Medicaid Rate Increase as a Lever for Primary Care Delivery and Payment Reform.
- 06/28/2011
National Institute for Health Care Management Foundation Data Brief on U.S. health care.