Delivery System Redesign
- 12/07/2011
This report details the 8 states' experiences convening stakeholders, helping primary care practices improve performance, and addressing antitrust concerns that arise when multiple payers come together to create a medical home program.
- 11/28/2011
This report by Maximizing Enrollment and Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., is set of 12 core performance measures for enrollment and retention that states can use to monitor enrollment and retention policies under the ACA.
- 11/21/2011
This report frames key issues, themes and recommendations that emerged from a forum of state and federal officials, primary care offices and associations, and other key stakeholders for states and health centers to support effective delivery system models providing integrated care for vulnerable populations.
- 11/21/2011
This American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation report examines how behavioral economics can address the social and environmental nature of diabetes.
- 11/08/2011
This brief focuses on electronic information-sharing systems that Illinois is building or adapting to improve care coordination for children with or at risk of developmental delays.