Insurance Market Reform
- 08/22/2011
The Rutgers Center for State Health Policy released four reports that estimate the impact of the Affordable Care Act on insurance eligibility and enrollment, and address stakeholder view regarding design of the exchange.
- 08/19/2011
According to a findings brief by Changes in Health Care Financing & Organization (HCFO), in 2008, approximately 7.4 million children in the United States received health insurance coverage through the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).
- 08/18/2011
The proposed regulations provide consumers with an easy-to-read summary of health insurance coverage options.
- 08/16/2011
This Kaiser Family Foundation analysis found that monthly premiums per person ranged from $136 in Alabama to more than $400 in Vermont and Massachusetts, for a national average of $215.
- Summary of Potential Employer Penalties Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)08/16/2011
This Congressional Research Service report outlines the penalties for employers that do not provide affordable insurance under the federal health reform law.