Strategic Planning & Timelines
- 08/01/2012
This brief, prepared by State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC), overviews the SHADAC Projection Model, a spreadsheet model that states can use to estimate the impacts of policy changes on health insurance coverage.
- 07/26/2012
Select presentations from the State Network's Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon.
- 07/25/2012
This Hilltop Institute at the University of Maryland report on the economic impact of health reform in Maryland found that the ACA will benefit the state’s budget by more than $600 million through 2020, generate more than $3 billion in annual economic activity, and create more than 26,000 jobs.
- 06/27/2012
This toolkit from the Center on Budget a Policy Priorities is designed to help states think about leveraging resources across human service programs throughout health reform implementation.
- 06/27/2012
This data brief closely examines the budgetary implications of government spending on health entitlement programs.