Maryland Health Care Reform Simulation Model: Detailed Analysis and Methodology

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This Hilltop Institute at the University of Maryland report on the economic impact of health reform in Maryland found that the ACA will benefit the state’s budget by more than $600 million through 2020, generate more than $3 billion in annual economic activity, and create more than 26,000 jobs. The report, which was conducted for the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, also finds that implementing the Affordable Care Act will bring health coverage to 333,000 more Marylanders by 2020. In assessing the budgetary impact of the Affordable Care Act, the Hilltop Institute considered a wide range of savings, such as enhanced prescription drug rebates, and a wide range of costs, such as the state share of the Medicaid expansion. The report finds that “the benefits to the state’s budget of ACA implementation exceed its costs through 2020.” The report estimates the savings to Maryland’s budget through 2020 to be $672 million.

Reade the report here.