The Labor Department released its survey to help HHS determine what is an "essential benefit" which will determine what insurers will have to cover in the state exchanges. The study mainly looked at large employer benefits.
This webinar provided an overview of the potential role of a health insurance exchange, state-specific issues that should be considered before establishing an exchange, and the different ways in which an exchange might be structured and operated.
On December 21, 2010, State Coverage Initiatives hosted a webinar that allowed states to view a ground-breaking prototype website developed by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) to support one-stop eligibility determination for their Medicaid and exchange populations. The webinar also covered key policy and design issues related to exchange eligibility and enrollment.
Many states are working to develop exchange authorizing legislation by the end of this legislative session. State Coverage Initiatives (SCI) hosted an opportunity to hear from three of those states: Maryland, Missouri, and Nevada.
Enrolless in the state health benefit exchanges are likely to be older, less educated, more racially diverse, and less healthy than people with insurance outside the exchanges, according to a study by the Kaiser Family Foundation.
The ACA allows two or more states to come together and create a health insurance exchange. This brief examines why states might consider a multi-state exchange and the issues surrounding doing so.
North Carolina Senate has approved S.B.375 and it now heads to the House for its consideration. The bill will provide a legal framework for the state to voluntarily set up health information exchanges.