The Maryland Health Benefit Exchange Board met on May 8, 2012 to consider a number of topics including recommendations on Risk Mitigation Implementation.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has issued a final rule on how insurers must notify customers that they failed to meet the ACA’s medical loss ratio requirements.
This report reviews how state and federal regulators currently perform plan management activities and assess how those activities are likely to change as a result of the ACA.
This Kansas Health Institute brief examines the Affordable Care Act’s provisions for employers and how these rules might alter the system of employment-based insurance.
This notice from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) describes and requests comments on several possible approaches to determining whether health coverage under an eligible employer-sponsored plan provides minimum value.
This report by Jonathan Gruber of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology models the potential benefits to the economy if health care costs were to grow more slowly than projected.
The paper, by the George Washington University, examines key implementation issues on Multi-State Plans under the ACA based on interviews with federal and state policy makers and others.
This Urban Institute report finds that declines in employer sponsored insurance (ESI) have been greater for low-income than high-income families, and greater for small firms than large ones.
These are the fourth and fifth state-specific reports, in a series of ten, from the Urban Institute to track and monitor the implementation process and effects of the ACA. These reports look at the progress underway in Colorado and New York.