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April 2011 St@teside

Maryland, Missouri, and Nevada Discuss Exchange Legislation in SCI Webinar

On April 14, 2011 State Coverage Initiatives (SCI) hosted a web conference on exchange legislation featuring three states: Maryland, Missouri, and Nevada. Each of the three states is in a different phase with their legislation, with Maryland having recently enacted a bill, Missouri in the midst of legislative consideration, and Nevada having an administration bill that has not yet been considered by their legislative chamber. While there are similarities in the approaches of these states – each proposed some version of a quasi-governmental exchange with a governing board – there are also distinctions. For example, Missouri allows employees of the insurance industry to serve on the board while Maryland and Nevada do not. Maryland also requires several studies to ensure additional conversation on challenging issues.

Participants asked questions about state approaches to working with navigators and brokers, consumer issues, and long-term financing of the exchanges. They also asked about next steps for states once their legislature completes its work. Click here to listen to the web conference and to view the presentation slides of the speakers.