In This Issue
Maine Passes Funding Package for DirigoChoice Health Plan
On April 16, Maine Governor The bill replaces DirigoChoice’s original financing mechanism—the Savings Offset Payment (SOP) with revenue from increased taxes on beer, wine, and soda and a flat surcharge on insurers. This was a compromise between Governor Baldacci’s 2007 proposal to fund DirigoChoice using revenues from a proposed employer pay or play, an individual mandate on higher income Mainers, and a hospital surcharge and the Democratic leadership’s proposal this year to increase the state cigarette tax by 50 cents per pack (from $2.00 to $2.50) and also implement the insurer surcharge that was included in the enacted bill. The majority of these proposals had been recommended by a Blue Ribbon Commission—which included representation from health care providers, consumers, insurers, employers, and others—that met throughout the fall of 2006 to make recommendations to strengthen the DirigoChoice program. As a unique effort to finance a comprehensive state reform, the SOP was designed to capture and redistribute savings in the health care system resulting from multiple initiatives under the Dirigo Health Reform Act: The SOP could be assessed only if and when an independent review determined savings, and the assessment could not exceed those savings and was capped at 4 percent of paid claims. While it was enacted with more than 2/3 support in 2003, in practice the SOP proved to be controversial—especially regarding the methodology by which cost savings are calculated—resulting in a court challenge in 2007. Although Further, the savings determined by the Superintendent of Insurance through the adjudicatory process each year has been lower than the DirigoHealth Agency’s estimates of savings resulting in reduced revenue for the DirigoChoice subsidies. The recently enacted financing change has two key features: According to legislative fiscal analysis, malt beverage and wine taxes are expected to raise $7.5 million in the first year, while soda taxes are expected to provide $9.2 million. The assessment on insurers will initially raise $33 million, increasing to $37 million in 2010 and $38 million in 2011. The new taxes fund both DirigoChoice and long-debated insurance market reforms, with 18.8 percent of the pooled revenue supporting a reinsurance plan to provide rate relief in the individual market. While replacing the SOP and financing market reform, the new funding package has generated criticism as well. A petition to repeal the new taxes has been submitted to the Maine Secretary of State by a coalition of beverage associations, restaurant owners, grocers, and other parties in the business community. For this “People’s Veto” to appear on the November ballot, organizers must collect more than 55,000 signatures by July 18. Democratic legislative leaders have said they will not consider DirigoChoice funding again in a special session if the petition collects the necessary signatures and they have launched an aggressive campaign to oppose the veto. The struggle over the SOP highlights not only the critical role that political will plays in passing and maintaining state health care reform, but the great challenges states face in finding new and sustainable financing mechanisms.