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Register Today for the 2015 Annual Research Meeting and State Health Interest Group Meeting
Registration is now open for the 2015 Annual Research Meeting (ARM), June 14-16 in Minneapolis.
The ARM program includes more than 150 invited and peer-reviewed sessions across 18 themes and more than 600 speakers to disseminate research to help policymakers, clinicians, and executives improve health and the performance of the health system. With more than 2,400 attendees, the meeting provides an excellent opportunity to connect with users and producers of health services research and leaders in health innovation.
Attend the Annual Research Meeting to:
- Examine emerging research issues critical to the organization, financing, and management of health services
- Learn the latest research results and current health policy issues
- Hear the research funding priorities of foundations and federal agencies
- Explore the impact of health services research on improving access and quality of care
- The ARM is the premier forum for health services research, promoting and expanding the availability of robust and relevant evidence to move knowledge into action.
AcademyHealth’s State Health Research and Policy (SHRP) Interest Group also will be holding its annual meeting on Saturday, June 13 in conjunction with the ARM. The SHRP Interest Group meeting provides researchers, policymakers, and practitioners with the opportunity to hear and discuss recent state-level research that emphasizes the unique challenges of working within a state policy and political environment. The small-group format allows for participants to engage in discussion opportunities and network with peers from around the country. The meeting agenda is now available.
Register for the ARM and SHRP IG meeting today! You can register for the meetings individually; you do not have to attend the ARM in order to attend the SHRP IG meeting.
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Become an AcademyHealth member and save up to $230 on your registration rate. Non-members must first join AcademyHealth before registering for ARM at the member rate. To learn more about AcademyHealth member benefits, click here.