Delivery System Redesign
- 03/28/2011
This paper highlights the challenges of transforming small primary care practices, how Medicaid can offer shared supports to providers or catalyze them into investing in modernized systems of care, and what else federal and state governments can do to help advance these efforts.
- 03/28/2011
This paper presents a vision for a transformed delivery system; highlights key federal resources to help achieve this vision; explores the core elements of delivery system reform; and offers specific examples of health centers and states that are partnering to design and implement innovative models of health care.
- 03/24/2011
The white paper by Meredith Rosenthal, Ph.D., of the Harvard School of Public Health, reviews five presentations that were delivered at a conference on payment reform in the fall of 2010.
- 03/24/2011
This brief looks at efforts to pilot Patient-centered medical homes in eight regions of New York.
- 03/08/2011
The Vermont Blueprint for Health is a statewide public-private initiative aimed at transforming health care delivery, improving health outcomes, and enabling the citizens of Vermont to recieve seemless, coordinated care.