Insurance Market Reform
- 06/07/2011
According to findings of a study released May 26, 2011 by researchers at George Mason University and the Urban Institute, greater spending on medical services means better overall health for Medicare beneficiaries.
- 06/02/2011
This policy brief provides an update on the estimates of the uninsurance rate in Massachusetts as of Spring 2010.
- 06/01/2011
This paper outlines options for exchange governance, such as an exchange’s location relative to state insurance regulators and other state agencies; an exchange’s operation and legal structure; and ensuring exchange accountability.
- 05/26/2011
New findings from the 2010 Commonwealth Fund Biennial Health Insurance Survey indicate the need for covering more young adults.
- 05/26/2011
A study from the Health Care Reform Actuarial Working Group of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners looked at historical data from health insurers, underwriters and states to examine the effects of excluding brokers (or “producers”) from the administrative portion of the Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) calculations.