Medicaid Expansions
- 04/22/2011
Two recent reports from the Center for Children and Families at the Georgetown Health Policy Institute are questioning whether the pilot project on which Florida Medicaid reforms are based have produced the necessary efficiencies or cost reductions.
- 04/20/2011
This brief describes global and episodic bundling and outlines considerations for state Medicaid agencies when evaluating potential implementation, including the relevance of these strategies for Medicaid agencies employing managed care strategies.
- 04/20/2011
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) has several provisions that hope to mitigate the rapidly rising tide of uninsured young adults. Young adults happen to be one of the largest uninsured segments of the United States population.
- 04/20/2011
This Manhattan Institute analysis, conducted with NYSHealth support, provides a vision of a market-based exchange in New York.
- 03/28/2011
The objective of this study was to examine state variation in Medicaid primary care provider (PCP) supply. The study also looks at how state variation in Medicaid PCP supply will change after the Medicaid expansion begins in 2014.