What are Connectors and How Do They Work?

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Meeting Details

Dec 31 1969

Connectors: What are they and what aren't they?

This session introduced the idea of Connectors. What do you need to think about in designing Connectors and what problems are you trying to solve? Why did Massachusetts include a Connector in the health reform plan and what is the functionality envisioned for the Connector?

Amy Lischko
Former Commissioner, Health Care Finance and Policy
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
PowerPoint Slides

Connectors, Exchanges, and Employee Choice Pools

Connectors can be designed in many different ways depending on the goal of state policy makers. This session highlighted three models: (a) The District of Columbia Equal Access Act; (b) The Massachusetts Connector; and (c) The Connecticut Business & Industry Association (CBIA) Health Connections pool.  

Robert E. Moffit, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Health Policy Studies
The Heritage Foundation
PowerPoint Slides

Robert Carey
Director of Planning and Development
Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority
PowerPoint Slides

Phil Vogel
Senior Vice President and Director of Health Connections
Connecticut Business & Industry Association (CBIA)
PowerPoint Slides