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Exploring the Role of Navigators in Implementing the ACA
The Affordable Care Act became law more than three years ago, but polls find that the majority of Americans still do not understand the law and how it will affect them. The Marketplaces, run by either states or the federal government, allow people to shop for insurance, find out whether they qualify for federal subsidies, and enroll in a health plan. Educating people about the new Marketplaces, which are now open to consumers, and helping them understand their insurance options will require a massive outreach effort carried out in part by navigators and in-person assisters. The troublesome launch of the Marketplaces, in which most people could not shop online, highlights the importance of consumer assistance in getting people enrolled.
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RWJF_Role_of_Navigators_and_Assisters.pdf (166.2 KB)
Date: Nov 2013
Author: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation