Delaware's MLR Waiver Denied
The Center for Consumer Information and Oversight (CCIO) rejected Delaware’s request for an adjustment to the health reform law’s new medical loss ratio requirements in the individual market September 12, 2011. Delaware is the second state to have their waiver request completely rejected. North Dakota's request was denied earlier this year.
The state asked for a three-year phase-in of the MLR requirement, starting with 65 percent in 2011, then move up to 70 percent in 2012 and 75 percent in 2013.
CCIO determined the state’s application did not establish that immediately adopting the 80 percent MLR standard would destabilize the state’s individual insurance market.
Seventeen states have requested MLR waivers, with five states receiving at least partial approval and nine waiting for a determination. Delaware has 10 days to appeal the decision.