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KHI-Preliminary estimates for Medicaid/CHIP or subsidy eligibility through the Health Insurance Exchange
A memo from the Kansas Health Institute to the Kansas Health Benefit Exchange Background Research Work group outlining estimates for six basic Exchange planning questions:
- What is the total Kansas non-elderly population?
- Based on income levels, how many Kansans are estimated to be eligible for Medicaid
or CHIP in 2014? - How many Kansans are estimated to be eligible for federal subsidies through the
Exchange? - How many Kansans may be eligible for Medicaid/CHIP or federally subsidized
coverage through the Exchange? - How many Kansans will use the Exchange to purchase insurance, regardless of
whether they qualify for subsidized coverage? - How many of the 347,000 Kansans who are currently uninsured will be eligible for
Medicaid/CHIP or federally subsidized coverage through the Exchange?