- 06/27/2012
This brief prepared by Manatt Health Solutions summarizes some of the key verification requirements, with an emphasis on financial eligibility.
- 06/27/2012
This brief by the Urban Institute explains how states could systematically fight churning between systems of coverage, including through Medicaid premium assistance and the Basic Health Program, and describes how states could limit the harm experienced by families in transition.
- 06/27/2012
This toolkit from the Center on Budget a Policy Priorities is designed to help states think about leveraging resources across human service programs throughout health reform implementation.
- 06/27/2012
This data brief closely examines the budgetary implications of government spending on health entitlement programs.
- Medicaid Financing of Early Childhood Home Visiting Programs: Options, Opportunities, and Challenges06/27/2012
This report explores the variety of Medicaid financing mechanisms states are currently using to support home visiting services, other potential financing mechanisms that could be used, and considerations for states exploring each of these financing mechanisms.